Wheat grass and / or its juice is a specific food which can assist in fighting a whole range of chronic ailments - from simple anemia to leukemia; from a simple skin rash to skin cancer, from worms to ulcers. It can be chewed slowly or drunk as a juice.
How to grow wheat grass
- Soak adequate quantity of unpolished wheat-grain overnight in water in any container (after cleaning and washing it thoroughly).
- Keep a few pots (preferably 7 to 9 pots- one to be sown each day of the week) ready with ordinary soil. Do not add any chemicals or fertilizers. Cow-dung or goat-dung may be added as manure if needed.
- Spread the soaked wheat on the surface of the soil so that the grains are touching one another.
- Sprinkle a thin layer of soil on the wheat grains .
- Cover the pot with a newspaper to provide darkness which helps the sprouting and also to prevent the birds from eating the wheat.
- Keep the pot in a balcony or a windowsill or a covered veranda.
- Next day uncover the pot and spray on some water and again cover it with the newspaper.
- Repeat step 7 everyday until you see green leaves sprouting through the soil. Stop covering the pot as soon as the green leaves appear.
- Everyday water the pot lightly but adequately depending upon the season and also depending upon the pots used - whether they have holes or not. Beautiful green blades of grass keep growing in height everyday.
- As soon as the grass is about 8 inches tall ( which usually happens around the 7th to the 9th day from the date of sowing) harvest the grass by cutting with a clean pair of scissors about 1/2" above the surface of the soil.
- The harvested wheat grass is now ready to be chewed or juiced or stored.
- A second round of wheat grass will again grow in about 6 to 7 days with daily watering as before.
- After the second harvest from the same pot, remove all the soil in the pot onto a newspaper- breakup all the roots and mix them with the soil. Add a bit of cow dung to this to rejuvenate the soil.
- The soil is now ready for reuse for a fresh sowing of wheat.
I always thought that dogs only ate grass if they had an upset stomach. The vet said dogs do eat grass to throw up but that some dogs just like eating grass. He said if they take big mouthfuls of grass then they are trying to puke but if they pick through the grass and only eat certain blades they like the taste. Conway is very finicky about his grass, he also likes green beans and broccoli.
As for me I will try to find a cheap wheat grass juicer and see if this stuff really does have miraculous healing powers.
we have an 85 pound female Bermese Mountain Dog. She seems to like to eat grass in certain spots in the Back Yard. She almost never pukes.
Garlic is another one that's supposed to have miraculous healing powers. Growing up we had a big patch of it that grew behind a shed with absolutely no attention. It came back year after year and we always had more than we needed. I've been meaning to plant some in my yard but I've been pretty lazy about getting my garden going. This year it's going to happen, though.
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