Monday, January 26, 2009

Seeds Ordered

After some research I have ordered the seeds for this years crops from a reputable seed trust out of Idaho that specializes in mountain growing. Since the "farm" is at roughly 8700 feet I needed high altitude seed varieties that do well in cooler climates with shorter growing seasons. They also had to be non-hybrid (heritage) seeds from organic distributors. I chose High Altitude Gardens, they have seeds from around the world for the coldest climates and shortest seasons.

Here is the garden

BEANS, POLE - Northeaster
BEANS, BUSH - Montana Green
PEAS - Montana Marvel
PEAS, SNAP - Sugarsnap
CORN, SWEET - Extra Early Bantam
PEPPERS, BELL - Early Mountain Wonder
RADISH, French Breakfast
CARROTS - Kuroda Chanteney
CARROTS - Kinko 6

TOMATO, EARLY - Sub-arctic Plenty
TOMATO, CHERRY - Whippersnapper Cherry

MELON - Minnesota Midget Cantelope
MELON - Sugar Baby Watermelon

LETTUCE, GREEN LEAF - Black Seeded Simpson
LETTUCE, BUTTERHEAD - Buttercrunch Bibb

SUNFLOWER, WILD - Helianthus annus

I am still researching the onions, potatoes and cucumbers but should have varieties and vendors selected soon.


Whit Spurzon said...

Thanks for posting. I may give a few of those varieties a shot this year too. We're USDA zone 2 though only at 3500' at the Yonderosa, It would be an interesting experiment to see will grow there.

My guess is that the deer will be the biggest challenge.

Stephanie in AR said...

You are at a high enough altitude you might consider quinoa as a grain. It is supposed to do better at high altitudes or I would be growing it myself.

Anonymous said...

As for the comment on Deer being a pest to the garden.
I live in an area heavy with Deer and have found a simple way to keep them out.
Drive a stake into the ground about 4 feet high and tack a piece of lightweight cloth (about 6" X 24") to the top. The lighter the cloth the better (silk like) so it will move with the slightest breeze.
One of these on all corners of the garden seems to do the trick.
And Bear, if that doesn't work a slug in your 12 gage has outstanding results.

Anonymous said...

You should consider growing some mushrooms like you said you would, it can be done rather simply.

You can spray spores under trees or ferns or other shady places, and pick them as they pop up. A suitable species will spread across the woods in a few years.

Or you can do it a bit more serious and put down some lower than the ground patches. Digging a pit about a foot deep deep, half a yard wide and as long as you want would be the biggest challenge.

(running east to west lengthwise

Dump organic waste on the bottom (food scraps, cut grass, straw, wood chips ...) about four inches high, spray it with spores or inoculating solution, mix it up and cover it with leaves or grass clippings (or newspapers or wathever) in the late summer.

Animals can be kept at bay easely with a roll of chicken wire and some tentstakes.
You should get a patch that'll survive for multiple years.

Or you can do like that professional growery from a post back, but that would take a lot more work (would give better results though)

All you'd really need for indoors work would be a couple of canning jars and a canning pressure cooker (I cannot imagine you not already having these), a small aquarium or plastic tub (dirt cheap) and a source of moisture.

There's a lot of guides for growing psychedellic mushrooms out there, most will work just fine for normal edible mushrooms too.

Admin said...

Good stuff, Bigbear. Do you have any plans for collecting salt when you run out? That is one of the things I will probably have trouble with. Have you read any of the foxfire books, there is alot of good skills from old time Appalachia in there.

Anonymous said...

The first 6 Foxfire books can be had free here:

in case your interested.


Unknown said...

Thanks for this link Bear. I live at 6,300 ft and getting my order in but how can you store these seeds that you don't use so they will last for future plantings.

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