Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Simple Plan

With the coming Supreme Court ruling that will dismantle any campaign finance restriction on corporations it is only a matter of time until our lives and our money are completely controlled by corporate America. The mandatory health insurance fiasco disguised as reform is only the tip of the iceberg. Now it is simply a race to see which politicians can write the most lucrative legislation for their corporate overseers on the backs of working Americans.

Here are a few things you can do in 2010 to minimize your value as a corporate commodity and continue providing for your family.

Eliminate Debt - If you are in an upside down mortgage walk away from it as soon as possible. One of the first thing Congress will take up after the 2010 elections is legislation that will allow banks to recoup losses on negative equity mortgages that are defaulted. Right now all a bank can do is take the house. After Congress "reforms" the mortgage industry financial institutions will be allowed to reclaim losses through garnishment or indentured servitude in a corporate debtors prison. The percent they can claim will be determined by a corporate controlled Congress so expect it to be high. The same will be true for credit cards and car loans. If you cannot pay off your debt now walk away from it and use the money to minimize your life.

Grow Food - China is not going to be happy with a defaulting United States and will demand first pick from the bread basket. Receiver counties will demand food for payment of our debts. What ever is left will be divided among the starving American public. Grow your own garden and encourage your neighbors to do the same. But do it quietly because mega corporations like Monsanto are already buying legislation to make feeding yourself illegal.

Stop Buying Crap - Focus your remaining finances on securing a minimized life. Buy a old used travel trailer and vehicle to pull cash. Build up long term food stores and items that will help transition to growing your own food such as canning and gardening cash. Warm practical clothing and solid footwear is a cash. Pick up a chain saw, splitting maul and small wood stove for your cash. A hunting rifle and some ammo would also be cash.

Learn A Cash Trade - Learn a skill that can by traded for cash or bartered for necessary items. Here are a few use skills; food caner, chain saw sharpener, booze maker or auto repair. Stay away from construction work there are millions of out of work construction workers. Find a niche that is necessary and can be traded. 

The end is here! Corporations are going to pick the American carcass clean to the bone...then sell the bones to China.


chinasyndrome said...

Bear excellant advice,lets just hope more start following it.

Michael said...

#5 Build a tiny house (or at least a frugally sized house).

A leveraged life is not a free life; I hope more people start to realize that. We'd be much better positioned for the transition off oil if more of us were moving toward a self-sufficient and sustainable life.

My fear is that if the majority is still unable to take care of themselves (food, shelter, etc) when the bell tolls the vast legions of Americans will be more deeply locked into a riskier life of dependency.

BigBear said...

Michael I was going to throw that in as well. Buy some cheap land and build a small house but I really am getting worried that time is starting to run out.

I prefer the tiny house idea but it does take some time to find land and get set up. With the trailer you are free to wander until you find just the right spot. Although at that point you may not be able to afford the land.

Sunfighter said...

It took me years to find the right piece of land. I wanted something with the min. restrictions both in contract and local government. The restrictions on my land are few and nothing I can't live with.

I am working on putting a travel trailer on it within the month. I feel time could be running short.

The more food you can grow on your own, the better off you will be. But getting setup is not something you can do overnight...

Andolphus Grey said...

Good post. I too feel the pressure of time. The preps that I have right now will have to do.

At one time I thought a tiny house would be better for my wife and I. (Not that my house is big, it's not) However, it's occurred to me that we most likely will need the room when friends and relatives show up.

One thing I learned from my dad. If they show up, feed them, but have enough tools to keep them all busy.

Mayberry said...

Bear, you are right that time is short. I'm thinking two years or less, which ain't a lot for wage slaves saddled with upside down homes, car payments, credit card debt, and all the other trappings of modern slavery. And as I'm sure you know, I agree with your strategy 100%. Great post my friend...

BigBear said...

I think we have just over a year. They will try to keep the wheels on things until after the election. As soon as the election is over everything will fall apart.

Not only will we see the total collapse of our economic system but we will witness the fascist corporate/government "rescue" plans based on the American public mandated paying off of our foreign debt. Much like Iceland except our government will sell us out.

Anonymous said...

And you wanted everyone to vote for this butthole administration citing that it doesn't matter who gets in. Nice...

BigBear said...

Actually I didn't vote for Obama BUT did support him over Hillary Clinton and John McCain for one reason...Candidate Obama did not support mandatory health insurance or taxing middle class workers health insurance.

Of course we now know that he simply lied as did everyone in congress who is simply slutting themselves out for the campaign contributions that the health insurance industry is throwing their way.


I was really really wrong on that one. Don't trust any politician.

Rourke said...

I just found your blog and find what you are saying very "like-minded" to myself.
Excellant post. Your words on politics and the political system- I think there are a very few honest people in congress or politicians still in the limelight. Curious what your opinion is on Sarah Palin.

Take care -

BigBear said...

Sarah Palin...well at least the lord gave her some good look.

Weston said...

Regarding your statement regarding upside down mortgages where you state:

"Right now all a bank can do is take the house."

That is incorrect in many (and possibly most) states. After the foreclosure you are subject to a deficiency judgment for the difference between the amount owed and how much the house went for at the foreclosure sale.