Friday, March 5, 2010

All Ok

Thanks for the concern and I am fine. I am working on a couple of other projects that are occupying most of my brain. I will get back to blogging here soon.

Thanks Big Bear


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you and your team made it back to CONUS safely agent Big Bear.>

Anonymous said...

You have a very interesting life . A movie and book life

Mayberry said...

I know you been busy with Survivalist News. I'm thankful for your efforts there too, missed it since you left it a while back. It's a great resource, and I can't thank you enough for your hard work Big Bear. You're doing a great job, and a wonderful service to the prepper community.

squire said...

Any change of you sharing how much it cost to live in your cabin for the past year?

Anonymous said...

Sitting here in sunny Sai Gon, your blog makes interesting, if amusing, reading. I particularly enjoyed your discourse on 'The greatest threat to an American Survivalist'. Nice writing :-)

As we in Southeast Asia set off on the capitalist journey it's interesting to see where America's went wrong. If it's any comfort to you, we'll probably make the same mistakes.

Good luck, Yankee. If you're an agent provocateur you're doing a super job, and if you're not you need to stop poking sleeping giants. They'll eventually get irritated, wake up and squash you which would not be a good outcome :-)

Bon chance, mon ami!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your writings. Keep it up.

El Generalissimo said...

Hello in Sai Gon (Ho Chi Minh City). This man Big Bear is a member of a team of agents provocateur. If he were truly who he says he would have been dissapeared long ago for the illegal things he says he is doing and is trying to get others to do. You might be able to say hello in person to Agent Big Bear, as he and his team spend much time in your neighborhood of Southeast and Southwest Asia (Phillipine Muslim counterinsurgency) when they are not trying to make Americans dissapeared to the FEMA camps. Adios Gringo......

Anonymous said...

I second Squire's comment. Every time I think about going the off-grid, minimal impact route there are lots of unanswered questions, everything from property taxes to medical insurance to garden seeds. I keep getting the feeling that trial budgets and spreadsheets probably are missing some serious stuff. If you don't want to expose your whole financial life, how about a few comments about unexpected expenses?

El Presidente said...

All hail El Presidente Barrakus Hussein Obama! "I promise you dis dat an de oder tink!"

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what part of the world agent Big Bear and his team are in, and when they will be returning stateside?

Anonymous said...

My husband and I are reading your web site and learning what it takes to try to survive we are in our sixties and we never thought that our present goverment would attempt to force America into socialism. Thank you from Butch and Judy, for sharing your how to suvive. We are putting in three raised beds for our garden. We are looking for the camp stove but they are being sold out like hotcakes We are storing up food. We are in great health. W eenjoy all that you are sharing with everyone. We would be a great leader. It is for certain that we would be able to trust your direction that you could take us in. Thank you most sincerly.

Anonymous said...

Meant to say that you would make a great leader!

Anonymous said...

Waiting to hear the latest. My wife and I hope your doing well. Watch out for the Coyotes and what the hell is the deal with Vietnam? (pointing to all the comments coming from Saigon etc....)

Anonymous said...

Oh, don't get your panties in a twist, there is no invasion from Sai Gon.

Not yet anyway... :-)

And please, try to remember that the Vietnamese write their language as they speak it, in syllables. Therefore 'Vietnam' should be written Viet Nam, and 'Saigon' written Sai Gon. If I enforced my views on language on you I would write 'San Francisco' as 'San Fran Cis Co' but as a courtesy to you, I don't. Return the favour, huh?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when the leader "Big Bear" will return stateside? Are he and his team in Asia or the Middle East this time?

Anonymous said...

I believe Agent Big Bear and his team are actually in South West Asia at present time.

Anonymous said...

Big Bear has become a missed friend; to those he does not even know.

Treynol said...

I recently found your blog. Your adventures are both informative and inspiring. Please come back soon....

Anonymous said...

We really find the Sai Gon thing cute.

El Presidente said... Hussein
Obama II was born to a white American Ann Dunham and Kenyan Barrak Hussein Obama Snr, in Nyang'oma Kogelo now in Kenya.

Here the Indonesian link starts.

Ann Dunham married in 1967 Lolo Soetoro, a Javanese, whose own father, in 1946 was killed along with his eldest brother were killed, after which the Dutch army burned down the family's home. Soetoro fled with his mother into the countryside to survive. Incidentally yet more proof of Dutch war crimes - delibrate destruction of civilian property outside the scope of battle.

Pak Lolo Soetoro was an army geologist then later a government relations consultant for Mobil Oil. Obama describes Soetoro as well-mannered, even-tempered, and easy with people.

Barry Soetoro in Indonesia with mother Ann Dunham, step-father Lolo Soetoro, baby-sister Maya Soetoro-Ng.

From age 6 to 10, Obama lived in Jakarta. Age six, Obama attended the Catholic Primary St Francis di Assisi. Much was made of the lie he was educated in a Madrassa - or more accurately a pesantren - this of course was totally untrue. Obama Jnr later attended Model Primary School, Menteng and was registered as a Muslim - as his father was Muslim.

Anonymous said...

This information is quiet interesting.

Anonymous said...

We found the camp oven stove at Bass Pro Shop. It was cheaper there. Got it a few days ago. Thought itcould be used indoors but. you can not do that. Glad you mentioned it.

Mayberry said...

Heya Bear, still with us?!

Anonymous said...

Golly Molly! You, Big Bear have been gone a long time We are worrying our brains out about you, Can you just say hello or, what?

Anonymous said...

Govt. Agent Big Bear(Big Brother) and his team are outside of CONUS and maintaining strict communincations protocols of no outside contact until further notice.

BigBear said...

I'm in Africa visiting my good friend Jim Dakin. I'm having a great time hanging out with Jim's wives. See ya all later.

Anonymous said...


BigBear said...

Africa sure is swell,wish Dakin didn't fart all the time,makes me sorta horny.

BigBear said...

Surprise! Surprise! Big Jon Lickscum just showed up at the Bison Compound. Had a three-way with Big Jon and Dakin! Big Jon never shut his big fat mouth and Dakin kept on farting the whole time. Time for me to get back to Bear ridge,maybe I should pay my old buddy Mikey Boone a visit,he gives a good gum job.

See ya all later.

Anonymous said...

Folks, this is not Big Bear saying these things, I find this wrong. He is to nice to talk like this.This is disqusting.

BigBear said...

Shut your pie-hole or I'll take a big steamy dump on your face. This is my blog and I make the rules.

B.H. Obama said...

Can I have a steaming Cleveland too?

Mayberry said...

Either that, or Bear got pretty deep into a bottle of Jack....

BigBear said...

That's what a "steaming Cleveland" is, I had no idea.

I probably should check my email more often.

BigBear said...

Finally a sign of life from the real BigBear.

Anonymous said...

About you being a leader. Well forget that!After this rudeness I will not trust you because, you are off the grid, in your head.